Eat. Drink. Listen. Read. Converse.

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Post-Surgery Post

I am starting to feel, for the first time, normal again, although who knows how long this will last, since a few days already this week, I felt well on arising, and then sick later.  I will nevertheless feel grateful for this good/normal-ish feeling for as long as it lasts considering how rotten I was feeling before.

It would be nice if this were my last surgery ever.  I have hospital stories, a few perhaps even funny, but I don't feel like telling them now. The main thing now is that I feel as if I am pulling myself up out of some sticky ooze, seeing daylight and the world around, watching the sludge slip off of my arms, down my fingers and thinking, "OK now, what's the first thing I need to do, and the second?"

Having the help of family and friends was everything, though honestly it was my mom who really did the most (numerous Publix shopping runs, and dishwasher cycles, and laundry loads), mostly in shuttling N. and getting him ready for camp (UPS comes Wednesday to pick up the trunk & suitcase).  And here she's just left and I didn't at all convey to her what I'd hoped to. But I will.  

Out for now.

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